Papers, 1846-1864.


Papers, 1846-1864.

Correspondence of Christopher Gore Callender and his mother, Maria Smith Callender of New York. Christopher's two letters to his mother describe the voyage and wreck of his vessel in 1846, and Holy Week celebrations in Trujillo, Honduras. The rest of the letters, from James Stanislaus Bell, Frederick A. Bell, and others, concern Christopher's death in Bluefields, Nicaragua in June, 1846. Also included is a letter from Captain Marcus A. Reno of the First U.S. Cavalry informing the mother of Lieut. Frederick Callender Ogden of her son's death at Trevilian Station, Va. in the Battle of the Wilderness, June, 1864.

1 folder.


SNAC Resource ID: 6905438

Massachusetts Historical Society

Related Entities

There are 7 Entities related to this resource.

Bell, James Stanislaus. (person)

Callender, Christopher Gore, 1818-1846. (person)

Ogden, Frederick Callender, 1839-1864 (person)

Civil War Union Army Officer. He was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the 1st United States Regular Cavalry on November 21, 1861. He was promoted to 1st Lieutenant on July 17, 1862, and to Regimental Adjutant on November 1, 1863. He was killed in action in the June 11, 1864 Battle of Trevilian Station, Virginia....

Bell, Frederick A (person)

Epithet: brother of JS Bell, traveller British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000001164.0x000302 ...

Reno, Marcus A. (Marcus Albert), 1835-1889 (person)

Callender, Maria Smith, d. 1868. (person)

United States. Army. Cavalry, 1st (corporateBody)